Friday, August 24, 2012

Canal St.

I took these photos near Canal St. in Milwaukee about a month ago on a free day. I haven't remembered that I took them until now! So here they are!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Motivational Poster

Hi Everyone!

I have been seeing a lot of these around when browsing the internet lately. Not sure what they are called, but basically you take a quote that you really like and dress it up into a poster, something that others can read and share during the course of a day.

I heard this yesterday and thought it applied to many things in my life, past and present. Worrying IS a complete waste of the imagination, and if we all used that energy to create instead of, well, worrying, we could get things done and take care of a lot of our problems.

Not to mention that I haven't done my own graphic project in a long time that didn't involve work. This was a fun learning experience and helps me get back into the groove of playing with typography as well. Please use and share this today as if it was your own.