Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last Night's Lake Ride

Here are a few more shots from last night's bike ride. I found a bumper tire on the lake shore wall, a few interesting caged fixture located near the yacht club, and lastly a park bench with great shadows from the setting sun.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shutter Schwinn

Another bike ride, another photo-session! It was a great time riding down to the lake via the bike trail. I ran into this Schwinn Collegiate as it was parked in a bike rack near the Milwaukee Yacht Club. I had stopped initially to just snap a couple pics, but as I approached, it kept getting more interesting and aesthetically pleasing to my eye.

Here is a great selection of photos from the mini-shoot that lasted about 10-15 minutes. Also, if you are interested, I found a great link to an old Schwinn catalog that features the Collegiate Sport with some entertaining advertising. Thanks for checking out the blog! See you soon :)

Seriously, I love this bicycle.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Estabrook Beer Garden

Kelly & I took a short bike ride just up the bike trail to the Estabrook Beer Garden. There was live Polka Music, free beer and some great surroundings! I highly suggest you check it out.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Been Away, but I have Good News!

Hello Everyone,

I hope that your summer is going well. I wanted to check in with y'all to let you know that while I was away from The Outlet, I got engaged to my beautiful girlfriend, Kelly. If you have been following my posts for awhile, you know her as my wonderful model and esteemed partner in photo shoots.

Here are a few photos I took the morning of that I wanted to share with you. ;)